Friday, July 4, 2008

Tidying Up

I noticed a few of my labels over there on the right were looking a little neglected, so I am going to work on that, starting now! Some of them can be combined...I don't really need a "CSA" category and a "Food" category. Others just need a little more attention.

"Around the House" is one I'd like to keep. Almost everything in our house came from yard sales and thrift shops, and I have a lot of fun changing things up when I bring home a new treasure. Unfortunately, it's a gloomy day today, and the chances of me getting any good pictures are slim. So, to start, a few pictures of my sewing table. Believe it or not, I took these after I'd spent some time clearing it off!

I hoped, when I set it up, that I could use the table for cutting patterns, but it hasn't worked out that way. Stuff piled up rapidly, so I went back to cutting on the floor, which Isabella much prefers, as she can saunter up and flop down on top of the wonderful TISSUE PAPER patterns that she loves so much.

The red thing is a plastic cutlery tray I bought at the thrift shop for a dollar. I love red! Gerry won those polka dotted containers for me at a Tupperware party. Yep, my husband went to a Tupperware party.

You can juuuuuust see the beginnings of my fabric stash in the background of this picture. I am not brave enough to show pictures of that just yet!

That's Ger Bear on the right. He's what got me back into sewing. I made him for my husband for Valentine's Day, 2007. Wow, was it really only 2007?

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