Thursday, May 31, 2012

Summer Sewing

My, my.  Look who has taken over as my sewing aide.  Isabella used to love to get in the way help with pattern layout, too!  Doesn't she look nice in navy?  I guess every cat thinks it's an invitation to lounge. 

I'm not sure what happened, but after a long hiatus, I am sewing again. Maybe it's because I am tired of some of the things I've made previously? In any event, I hit up the pattern sales at Jo-Ann's for some new ideas.  My pattern collection desperately needs a good look-through and some organizing.

Much as I like all the colored skinny jeans I see in magazines and on blogs, I don't think they are quite the thing for me.  I decided to improvise with an orangey skirt, although it isn't as bright as it looks in this picture!  All it needs is a hem, and then I'll take some pictures of it in action. 
I love the pockets!

There is MUCH to show, but I will hold off until I have proper photos.  Have you discovered any
new favorite patterns lately? 

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