Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wall to Wall

So it's been a while since I promised I would share some ideas for wall decor in the living room.  Just in case you forgot what we're dealing with, here are some up to date photos:

The chairs are in place.  We're happy with the furniture placement.  Now we just need to finish trimming out the room without spending too much more money.  What is on the walls now is all stuff I'd like to keep, but I am open to switching things around!

One change is the television.  I was looking at that space the other day and decided we needed to get a bigger one.  The old one looked kind of dwarfed over there, and I knew my husband would have no objections to a larger screen, so we gifted the old one to my mom and scaled up.  I think this will make the wall easier to balance.  (And, yes, the lamps are split up!  Do you all like them better this way?)

Click here if you want to see how forlorn the old tv looked and how the lamps looked together on the console table.

I also tried switching the Keith Haring world print with the bicycle print that was over the sofa.  I thought the bicycle print was getting lost over the sofa, while the Haring could hold its own.  Yes?  No?  Better idea?

This awkward picture is to show the platter I am thinking of hanging up along with the bicycle print and something yet to be determined.  I like the all the colors together over there, and it would take up some space for the price of a plate hanger. 

I have found a few things I really like on etsy.  These city map prints appeal to me because they are clean and graphic.  They can be ordered in any color, too, so that's handy.
Images from Jenna Sue Map Shop on etsy

The other print I keep coming back to is this Cathrine Holm design.  This is a definite, just as soon as I decide on a size.

Another thing I've toyed with is the idea of painting something myself.  It would have to be simple and stylized, but it would be a cheap way to get something up on the walls. could be a total disaster! always...what do you think?  Am I on the right track?  Do you think I need more variety?  Less?  Is there anything you really hate?  Like?  Let me know!


Anonymous said...

I think it looks great. I love the print over the sofa.


anotheryarn said...

The print switcharoo is great. Looking good.

Eric Civault said...

Your home is your happy place. I think empty walls are a sign of depression and anxiety. This is why the wall of my house is full of decoration because I believe that it gives vitality to my family.
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