I'm looking for tips on how to recover a cat tree. Our girls, especially Eloise, are big fans of their tree, but after Isabella using it for eleven years, and now the two of them fighting over who gets to use the tube, it's showing its age.
Have any of you ever attempted this? Was it worth the trouble? Will we be sorry?
No experience or tips, but I couldn't resist commenting on that adorably kissable kitty face!
We've done it, but unless you have a stashed carpet remnant, you may need to buy new carpet.
We usually get ours at Walmart, several $1 pieces that match.
Just take the old pieces off and use them like a pattern to cut new pieces.
You will also need a staple gun and the longest staples you can find.
It takes some strength and probably the two of you to get it right.
Way cheaper than buying a new one.
Samina, that's our bratty kitty, so it is a GOOD thing she is cute!
KS, we are going to give it a whirl. Even if I were willing to buy a new one, I never see the configuration I want.
My son built a heavy duty cat tree once and he covered it with carpet samples. It was fairly tall built of a heavy piece of lumber so his Sarah couldn't knock it over with her acrobatics and there was a platform on top. I don't remember if he used nails or staples. I would tap the platform and Sarah would leap to the top, ready to grab the hand that was too slow getting away.
I would also hold one arm out somewhere between waist and shoulder, and she would leap into the air and put her paws together over my arm, then drop. Of course, sometimes she might slip or I might not be quik enough moving the arm and then I might get a bit of a shred on her way back down to the ground.
Good luck.
Eloise is adorable and I pinned her in my Cats, Cats, and more Cats board on Pinterest:)
I have never tried recovering but I would think it would be doable with some carpet samples (sometimes the Dollar Store has them or you might be able to score some for free if you live near a large apartment complex as many replace the carpet when a tenant moves out and they are not always in bad shape.) and a staple gun.
Eloise is adorable and I pinned her in my Cats, Cats, and more Cats board on Pinterest:)
I have never tried recovering but I would think it would be doable with some carpet samples (sometimes the Dollar Store has them or you might be able to score some for free if you live near a large apartment complex as many replace the carpet when a tenant moves out and they are not always in bad shape.) and a staple gun.
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