Finally, FINALLY, I decided to use some Alexander Henry fabric I've had for a few months. The main fabric was a fortunate find in the remnant bin one day--just enough for a basic skirt. I bought a quarter yard of the contrasting fabric (using a 40% off coupon, of course), because I knew it would make me happy to see those dots inside!

The fabric has a lot going on, so I just wanted an a-line skirt. I used Butterick 4461 instead of my precious New Look 6843 because the New Look has a waistband and no facing. I used this pattern once before for this skirt, which was a little too big, so I went down a size and am much happier with it. HOWEVER! Next time I am going to draw a new facing for this stupid pattern. The way it goes together is seriously dumb, and I knew that going in, but...I don't know. I thought it might have changed since the last time I made it?

This is how I'll wear it for now, but I can't wait 'til I can warm it up with tights, boots, and a turtleneck!

A quick word about facings! Someone recently commented on them, said hers never look so polished, and asked about a tutorial. Well, there's no secret, really. I just finish off that bottom edge with double fold bias tape. Other than that, I just do as the pattern says: Use interfacing, turn the ends under and whipstitch them down, etc. But really, it's all about the bias tape! Darling Petunia + bias tape = True Love Forever.
Seriously girl, you must have one huge pile of skirts!!! I love it! I'm new to sewing with patterns; everything to this point has been square- duvets, totes, etc. I'm working through my first skirt, your favorite New Look 6843 (A-lines are my favorite). I can't wait to crank 'em out like you do.
I especially love the fabric on this last one of yours.
PS- You score extra points with me because you work at the library- a frequent haunt of mine. :*)
Yes, it's true, I have more skirts than I can wear. --hanging my head--
You gave me an idea for a tutorial: the extra easy mom method for putting a waistband on! Oooooh!
PS--I love working at the library as much as I love using it!
Dear Mrs. Petunia,
I love your skirts! This summer, you inspired me to buy lots of cute vintage-y pillowcases this summer (except where you actually use yours, mine have been languishing). Any tute you publish will be fab and appreciated. Do you have any longer skirt patterns that you like?
Mrs. Wild Onion
Longer skirt patterns...hmm. I don't think I've made any that go past the knee, so I don't think I can help you with that question. Honestly, I wouldn't like ANY longer skirt I made, because I look like a sack of potatoes in them!
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